Why I Love Teaching at NFTY-EIE
“David, you should really teach this stuff. Seriously, this should be your job somehow, to teach people about Israel.”
Those were the words of my good friend Ora back in 2004, not long after we had made aliyah and were studying together in Hebrew ulpan. It was true, I always had a passion for learning about Israel and going on tiyulim around the country. It seemed to make sense to me that everything I learned about Jewish history could surely be applied to the modern Jewish state. Indeed, every time I would bring up another parallel lesson from history, she would recite the same line again, “David, you should teach this stuff!”
I should be so lucky, I thought, to find a way to teach others my love for Eretz Yisrael and Am Yisrael.
Now in my ninth year as a Jewish history teacher at NFTY-EIE, I can honestly say that those words have come true. EIE is as much a part of me as I am part of the school. I feel extremely grateful that I have found something so rewarding that I look forward to everyday. Reflecting on the goals and challenges during my time at EIE, I’ve come up with five good reasons why I love my job so much:
1. Kibbutz Tzuba
For anyone who has seen the long hallways of lockers in public school, the EIE campus at Kibbutz Tzuba is like an academic paradise. I try my best to experience EIE through the eyes of the students; I can just imagine what they feel when standing on their balconies and looking out at the Judean hills where our history unfolded in Biblical times. Tzuba itself is an archaeological wonder that as a teacher I try my best to take advantage of. Instead of reading about the Cave of the Patriachs in class, we hike, Bible in hand, to a burial cave at Tzuba from the First Temple period. The view from on top of Tel Tzuba gives a panoramic lookout to Jerusalem and the surrounding villages. On Yom HaZicharon, Israel’s memorial day, it is possible to see from Tzuba the traffic on Highway 1 come to a complete stop as sirens go off around the country in a show of national remembrance. Usually I bike to work on a trail that goes through Tzuba’s vineyards, and I am reminded of the blessing that Jacob bestows on his son Judah in the Book of Genesis, “You shall be blessed to wash your clothes in the blood of grapes.” All of this right in our backyard! How lucky I am to be able to work in such a spectacular setting.
In many ways the people that you work with day-in and day-out become like a second family. This couldn’t be more true of EIE. For nine years I’ve had the good fortune of being part of a team of talented and committed educators who give their all to make our school a success. For nine years I have sat together with my fellow teachers in the dining hall discussing idealistically how to solve all of the problems in the world, and to ensure the Jewish future. We are constantly bouncing ideas off of each other, constantly asking one another, “How was your class today, what did you discuss in class today?” This positive atmosphere comes from our principal Baruch Kraus who is always there to give us guidance, and also gives us the freedom to develop our own individual teaching styles and lesson plans. As a faculty, we support each other and challenge each other to be the best educators we can be. Having the opportunity to work with such dynamic and caring people is definitely one of the things I enjoy the most about my job.
3. Hebrew
One of my students recently remarked to me that learning Hebrew at EIE is “not like sitting in my Spanish class back at home.” EIE is committed to teaching Hebrew as an essential component of one’s Jewish identity. Rachel Garber, EIE’s long-time Hebrew Ulpan Coordinator, continues to stress that the Hebrew program is “Ivrit academit v’kef” עברית אקדמית וכיף, meaning there’s a focus on correct grammar and usage, but at the same time the lessons are infused with fun activities and interactions. For example, the Hebrew teachers take the students during class time to a cafe to teach how to order in Hebrew. How do I know that the students love their Hebrew teachers so much? Well, usually the first question I ask them each morning is “How was your Hebrew class today?”, to which I get a chorus of enthusiastic answers about how much they are learning and how they adore the Hebrew teachers. Beyond the fun and excitement of the classroom, EIE students ultimately come to realize that Hebrew is indeed essential to one’s Jewish identity, and that the Hebrew language is a key factor in their interaction with Israel and Israeli society.
I am about to embark on my 15th trip to Poland as a member if the EIE faculty, and I can honestly say it never gets old. In my discussions with EIE students at the end of the semester, I often hear that the Masa מסע (journey) to Poland was the most impactful experience that they had during the semester. Many Israeli schools and organizations also go on Jewish heritage tours of Poland, but one of the criticisms of these trips is that the entire focus is on Holocaust education. On our EIE Masa to Poland, there is an equal emphasis on life and the thriving Jewish life that existed in Poland for centuries. To only visit concentration camps and ignore the kehilot would be a disservice to the memory of Polish Jewry. For me personally, my favorite day during the whole trip is the day spent in the Jewish quarter of Krakow exploring the amazing synagogues that have been restored and are a testament to the outstanding achievements of this great community. I also find that the Masa to Poland is the best opportunity I have as a teacher to get to know my students better on an individual level. It is impossible to find the right words to describe the emotions of the students at the moment that we land back in Israel having gone through this incredibly intense and meaningful week in Poland.
I am often asked, “How are you able to teach the same material over and over again each semester?” To which I reply, “you teach the students, not the material.” The greatest challenge that I have as Jewish history teacher at EIE is to consistently make the material exciting and relatable. One of the first things I emphasize from day one is that the goal of the Jewish History class is not to teach history for the sake of learning history, but rather to build and strengthen Jewish identity. In fact, all three academic components at EIE (Hebrew, Jewish History, and general studies) have the same end-goal, namely strengthening Jewish identity. When it comes to teaching, I am reminded of a quote that my 10th grade history teacher used to recite:
“Tell me and I’ll forget. Show me and I’ll remember. Involve me and I’ll understand.”